Engagement Overview
Delaware Valley Intelligence Center
Technology today can provide highly detailed data from multiple sources, but bringing all of this data together into a comprehensive Command Center for use in security and justice is a significant challenge.
The Challenge
The city of Philadelphia has some 2,500 cameras located throughout the jurisdiction. There are also Department of Transportation highway cameras and FBI gunshot detection cameras in high-security areas, among other detection and surveillance tools.
Monitoring this activity, capturing the data and video, and maintaining a compliant chain of command requires robust and reliable software and sophisticated integration.
The Solution
By bringing all the resources together in one location, Forerunner Technologies created a Command Center that acts as a centralized hub for crime detection and investigation. Analysts can now monitor activity and get warnings as situations develop from a wide variety of sources. They can also capture and store footage to later use as digital evidence.
The Result
The Command Center allows for rapid on-scene monitoring of locations before police arrive on the scene. Analysts can zoom in on specific areas, looking for evidence of criminal or gang-related activity. They can scan license plate numbers and monitor for known criminal associates. In many cases, analysts get to know their communities exceptionally well, so they can anticipate and quickly identify incidents and people.
This provides better intel for safety forces as they arrive.
Not only can analysts monitor results, but they can also play an instrumental role in gathering evidence and building the chain of custody necessary to get a search warrant or present it as evidence. Often, analysts help build the case and identify locations where individuals are to serve warrants. The result is a virtual digital evidence locker that lets you securely store and back up information from all these disparate sources.
This digital evidence locker also makes it easier to search for relevant video evidence to support cases or disprove public safety complaints.